✉ Email : qxu@univ-fcomte.fr
☎ Téléphone : (+33) 03 81 66 63 99
🖈 Adresse : Laboratoire de mathématiques de Besançon
Université Marie & Louis Pasteur
16 route de Gray
25030 Besançon CEDEX France
🖝 Bureau 322 (venir au LmB)
🎓 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, 1993
Université Paris 6 Pierre et Marie Curie
🎓 PhD, 1988 (Adviser : Gilles PISIER)
Université Paris 6
🎓 Master and BS in Mathematics, 1985 and 1982
Wuhan University
Academic Career
2014 : Senior Member of Institut Universitaire de France
1996-Present : Professor, Université Marie & Louis Pasteur
1991-1996 : Senior Lecturer (Maître de conférences de première classe), Université Paris 6
1989-1991 : Junior Lecturer (Maître de conférences), Université Lille 1
Selected scientific projects
Leader (porteur de projet) : ANR PRC Générique “Noncommutative analysis on groups and quantum groups”, 2020-2023
Leader (porteur de projet) : ANR Programme Blanc “Interactions between operator space theory and quantum probability with applications to quantum information”, 2011-2015
Leader (porteur de projet) : ANR Programme Blanc “Noncommutative Lp-spaces, Quantum Probability, Operator Spaces and Applications”, 2007-2010
Leader (porteur de projet) : French Government Programme ACI Jeunes (the former ANR Jeunes) “Quantum Probability, Operator Spaces and Applications”, 2000-2002
Leader : European bilateral Project Polonium “Noncommutative Probability and Operator Space Theory” between Besançon and Wroclaw, 2000-2002
Selected conference organizations
The 2024 China-Japan-Korea Conference on Functional Analysis, Harbin, 11-17.08.2024
Workshop on Noncommutative Analysis on Groups and Quantum Groups, Besançon, 18-22.12.2023 (with U. Franz, Y. Kuznetsova, C. Le Merdy and A. Nou)
Conference on Interactions between Noncommutative Analysis and Quantum Information Theory, Harbin, 31.05-05.06.2019 (with K. Li, Z. Wang, J. Wu and Z. Yin)
Workshop on Banach Space Theory and Applications, TSIMF, Sanya. 27-31.08.2018 (with S. Bu and L. Cheng)
IWOTA Special Session on Operator Spaces and Harmonic Analysis, Shanghai, 23-27.07.2018 (with G. Hong and Z-J. Ruan)
Workshop on Interactions between Operator Space Theory and Quantum Probability with Applications to Quantum Information. Oberwolfach, 06-12.05.2018 (with U. Franz, M. Junge and G.Pisier)
Workshop on Operator Algebras and Quantum Information Theory. Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, 11-15.09.2017 (with B. Collins and M. Junge). See also the special trimester on Analysis in Quantum Information Theory, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, 04.09-15.12.2017
Symposium on Modern Analysis and Applications. Harbin, 18-21.07.2016
Workshop on Operator Spaces, Quantum Probability and Quantum Information. Wuhan, 05-07.06.2015
Conference on Operator Spaces and Quantum Probability. Besançon. 15-19.12.2014
Conference on Banach Space Methods in Noncommutative Geometry. Wuhan University. 08-13.06.2014 (with E. Germain, M.P. Gomez Aparicio, P-Y. Le Gall, Y-J. Yao and G. Yu)
Conference on Operator Spaces, Quantum Probability and Applications. Wuhan University. 05-09.06.2012 (with T. Ma and M. Wang)
Workshop on Noncommutative Lp-spaces, Operator Spaces and Applications. BIRS (Banff). 27.06-02.07.2010 (with M. Junge and G. Pisier)
Workshop on Noncommutative Lp-spaces, Operator Spaces and Applications. CIRM (Luminy). 08-12.06.2009 (with G. Pisier)
Workshop on Operator Spaces, Noncommutative Lp-spaces and Applications. CIRM (Luminy). 25-29.06.2007 (with G. Pisier)
Workshop on Operator Spaces, Operator Algebras and Noncommutative Probability. Besançon. 06-10.06.2005 (with C. Le Merdy and E. Ricard)
Workshop on Noncommutative Martingale Inequalities and Free probability. Greifswald. 15-20.06.2003 (with M. Bozejko).